Thursday, August 4, 2011

Angry, Screwed Americans Protest at Corker's West End Office

Same Tune, New Verse: Americans Get the Shaft While Congress Protects Its Corporate Sponsors---that Log 'Profits' Off-Shore, Pay No U.S. Taxes, Export Jobs and Buy Congress Stooges

From The Tennessean Online, Click to See

With chants like ‘millionaires and billionaires pay your fair share,’ a protest organized by a political action group outside of senators' local offices claimed the debt deal negatively affects the middle class and poor.

“It’s broken - government no longer represents the people,’’ protester Michael Custer, 47, of Madison said. “When government no longer represents the people, it is illegitimate.’’

The Middle Tennessee Council of organized the protest at the intersection of Murphy Road and West End Ave, outside the building where Senators Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander have offices. About 30 people participated in the noon protest.

The debt ceiling issue motivated one protester, teacher Luckie Westlund, 47, to become politically active in a way she hasn’t before.

"The apathy of the American public distresses me,’’ said Westlund, who recently moved from Clarksville to Nashville. “I’ve watched the perception of the country change over my lifetime. What used to make me proud is slipping away. This (issue) is the culmination of a lot of bad decisions government has made. While we wasted all this time haggling over this … people are suffering."

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