Friday, August 12, 2011

Protesters Rally at Blackburn's Office

By Bonnie Burch  The Tennessean
Aug. 11, 2011

A small but vocal group of protestors
asked Rep. Marsha Blackburn to sign a
“Contract for the American Dream”
Wednesday and focus on job creation.

Carrying signs, waving American flags and
chanting, the gathering stood on the
sidewalk in front of Blackburn’s Franklin

“Honk for Good Jobs” read one sign. And
several East Main Street drivers obliged.

“We’re here because we’re very unhappy
with the way our country is going,” said
Marianne Bentley of Nashville.

Members distributed “Contract for the
American Dream” leaflets to passersby.
The 10-point contract encouraged
investing in the country’s infrastructure and
public education while ending wars,
keeping Social Security sound and offering
Medicare to all citizens.

“Tax Reform Now,” “GOP: Don’t Destroy
the Economy" and "Jobs, Not Cuts" read

some of the protestors’ signs.

Although the group was granted an
audience with Blackburn’s staff members,
she was not in the office during the rally.
Her staff told the group that they would
pass on their concerns to the U.S.

The new American Dream Movement,
which was inspired by protests in
Wisconsin, sponsored the rally along with
another held around the same time in front
of Rep. Scott Desjarlais office in Columbia.

Link to The Tennessean:

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