Saturday, July 30, 2011

American Dream Movement Protests at Blackburn's Office in Franklin

Click to see Channel 5's Story
If the U.S. can't pay its bills, please cut Marsha Blackburn off the payroll first!

Blackburn is an ironic elected official.  She says that government does not work well, and then gets elected to make that come true!  Blackburn and her kind are bent on destroying the government however they can---from simple gumming up the works to the more fundamental total anhiliation of the U.S. government.

On July 26, 2011, Williamson County residents gathered in front of Blackburn's office to decry Blackburn's unwillingness to nip one, tiny loophole that helps super-wealthy people and giant corporations....while pushing to cut off social security, medicare and medicaid from the Americans who need it most in this bleak Bush-Blackburn depression. 

Blackburn also wants to delete the department of education, the environmental protection agency and the FCC, among other government functions. 

Blackburn, who counts AT&T, Comcast and Verizon among her major contributors, wants the government to turn the Internet, which taxpayers and the U.S. government developed and paid for, over to those same Internet Service Providers, to use and abuse and carve up with their only guiding star being corporate profits.  Pooh on the First Amendment and the public interests and the idea that the Internet is the last level playing for candidates who do not have the huge corporate money behind them.

"Let them eat cake," is Blackburn's attitude, out of sight, out of mind, just keep the poor ones hidden and out of my pathway. 

Remember it was Blackburn who infamously and ignorantly said during a congressional hearing: "We can't cry 'emergency' every time we have a Katrina, every time we have a Tsunami!"

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