Monday, March 28, 2011

Songs of the Working Man and Woman

Your next rally on behalf of downtrodden working people will not be complete without a hearty repertoire of songs about the working man and woman!

The following links go to YouTube renditions of these classics.  Crank it up....and crank up the pressure on our woeful elected officials!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dear Obama Administration.....

It's time for the President to walk the walk.....

No one wants the Obama administration to succeed more than my family and I.   You and I have never met, but please trust me for the time it takes to read the following.

President Obama has a historic opportunity to step up and be a hero…or else fiddle while Rome burns.  The silence is deafening from the White House on the Radical Right's attacks on labor, education and democracy.  This is your time to shine, Mr. President.  Americans are aching to follow a strong leader who has a straight and undiluted charge.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Michael Moore Speaks Truth in Madison: America Ain't Broke...Stop the Thieves!

America Is NOT Broke ...the Madison speech by Michael Moore

Delivered in Madison, Wisconsin on Saturday, March 5th, 2011. Video available here.

America is not broke.

Contrary to what those in power would like you to believe so that you'll give up your pension, cut your wages, and settle for the life your great-grandparents had, America is not broke. Not by a long shot. The country is awash in wealth and cash. It's just that it's not in your hands. It has been transferred, in the greatest heist in history, from the workers and consumers to the banks and the portfolios of the uber-rich.